RID20-IE AS9202.013 NEARBY IP20
rid20 ie as9202.013 nearby ip20

RID20-IE | AS9202.013

Servo Drive per installazione vicino al motore in versione NEARBY IP20.
Connessioni verso il quadro principale mediante connettori/cavi standard.
I due collegamenti al motore sono realizzati con connettori  ITEC, connettività TE.

Extremely compact dimensions: 220mm*60mm*116mm 1.5kg in NEAR-BY version

Current, speed and position loops closed by the RID20-E
Up to 800 DC power supply
Up to 2KW
Auxiliary power supply 18-36 VDC
Strong capability to support high temperatures and vibrations

Available transducer interfaces

AS9202.013 NEARBY IP20 version with 2 motor connector:

  • ENDAT 2.1/2.2 (rotary/linear encoders)
  • TamagawaSeiki (TS56xxNxx, SA35-17/33bit-PLS5V)
  • Resolver
  • SinCos (linear motor with SinCos transducer)
  • SSI (rotary encoders)
  • SanyoDenki (PA035-017BM001 singleturn)
  • BISS-C

Safety Torque-Off function (STO) selectable on the single drive or on all the drives in the chain
Internal 24VDC holding brake control driving up to 0.75A
Internal accelerometer for vibration analysis (3 Axes)

Diagnostics leds

Main Fieldbus Communication:

  • EtherCAT (CoE) (FoE)

Local communication (service)

  • RS232 interface

I/O’s configuration 1:

  • 1 digital input, IEC61131-2 type 1, 24VDC (with debounce filter)
  • 1 digital output, 24VDC (up to 430mA), short-circuit and overcurrent protected
  • 1 output/power-supply line (24VDC, up to 480mA), short-circuit or overcurrent protected, can be cycled as slow digital output

I/O’s configuration 2:

  • 2 digital inputs, IEC61131-2 type 1, 24VDC (with debounce filter)
  • 1 output/power-supply line (24VDC, up to 480mA), short-circuit and overcurrent protected, can be cycled as slow digital output

I/O’s configuration 3:

  • IO-LINK master (pending)
  • 1 output/power-supply line (24VDC, up to 480mA), short-circuit and overcurrent protected


  • Standard connection to the electrical cabinet
  • 2 ITEC connectors for motor and transducer cables

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